Recent & Upcoming Events
Please see the Presentations page of this site for any publicly available recordings and materials. Thank you.
Details coming soon for the following events:
Please watch this space and/or follow me on Twitter to receive updates as they become available!
ACTFL Not Your Typical Book Club: Gender-just language pedagogies and student linguistic competence development 7-8pm Eastern 25 August 2022
Virtual Lecture at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor 1-2:30pm Arizona 14 September 2022
AATF-WI & AATF-MN Virtual Workshop 7-8:45pm Central 28 September 2022
[Additional scheduled events coming soon.]
Knisely, K. (January, 2021). Decentering power, (Re)centering possibilities: Toward trans-affirming language pedagogies. The Pennsylvania State University. University Park, PA. (Online).
Knisely, K. (2019, October). Teaching to and about TGNC individuals in L2 Contexts. Purdue. West Lafayette, IN.
Knisely, K. (2018, September). Teaching non-binary French linguistic forms as a part of intercultural and symbolic competence development. Duke University, Durham, NC.
Knisely, K. (2018, September). Gender diversity and L2 pedagogy: Cultivating inclusive teaching practices for non-binary students. Duke University, Durham, NC.
Knisely, K. (2018, October). Supporting non-binary students of second languages in K12 and university contexts. The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI.
Knisely, K. (2018, October). Soyons inclusifs.ves: Adapting L2 teaching practices to support non-binary students. The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI.
Knisely, K. (November, 2022). Gender-just and trans-informed approaches to language education: From proactive planning to taking action. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Research Invited Pre-Convention Workshop. Boston, MA. (Online).
Knisely, K. (April, 2021). Beyond gendered (im)possibilities and (in)visibilities: Situating trans knowledges in the language classroom. Harvard Language Center. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. (Online).
Knisely, K. (April, 2021). Supporting non-binary students while teaching a grammatically binary language. Harvard Language Center & RLL Language Program. Dialogue for Change discussion series. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. (Online).
Knisely, K. (March 2021). Inclusive Language in the Classroom. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI. (Online).
Knisely, K. (March, 2021). (Keynote) Resisting normativities, reinventing possibilities: Toward trans-affirming L2 pedagogies. The Cultural Constructions Conference. The University of Texas-Arlington. Arlington, TX. (Online).
Knisely, K. (January, 2021). Trans (im)possibilities and (in)visibilities: A conversation about gender in the language classroom. The Foreign Language Association of Georgia. Atlanta, GA. (Online).
Knisely, K. (September, 2020). Un-boxing gender: Toward trans-affirming L2 pedagogies. The Berkeley College Language Center. The University of California-Berkeley. Berkeley, CA. (Online).
Knisely, K. (2019, March). Gender diversity and L2 pedagogy: Adapting classroom practice for inclusivity. The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.
Knisely, K. (2018, March). Developing inclusive second language teaching practices for non-binary students. The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.
Selected additional talks, not included above:
Please see my CV for full details.
Knisely, K. (February 2021). Finding the words and moving the needle: Using queer inquiry-based pedagogies to resist normatitivity and make visible trans knowledges in the language classroom. Carleton College. Northfield, MN. (Online)
Knisely, K. (2019, November). Les mouvements linguistiques non-binaires au Canada et en France [Non-binary linguistic movements in Canada and in France]. Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA.
Knisely, K. (2019, April). Non-binary French: Troubling L2 pedagogy for inclusivity, recruitment, retention, and achievement. Paper presented at the Innovating Undergraduate French Studies Colloquium. The University of Texas-Austin, Austin, TX.
Knisely, K. (2019, April). Inclusive L2 pedagogy: Teaching to support students of all genders and sexualities. Critical and Social Justice Approaches Special Interest Group of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Webinar.
Knisely, K. (2017, October). Inclusiveness beyond the binary: Attending to gender diversity in the French language classroom. The University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.