Proactively planning for gender-justice.
Proactively planning for resistance.
Overview: This collection of materials has been created in order to support language educators in teaching gender-inclusive and non-binary language (INL) in ways that engage with trans knowledges and are increasingly affirming to trans, nonbinary, and other non-cis people. Specifically, strategies for proactively planning to teach INL and for resistance thereto are presented via a number of open educational resources (OERs), which have been informed by recent research that outlines the numerous benefits of teaching INL.
License: This website as well as the white paper and the infographics contained herein are licensed undera Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License.

I would like to thank the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language, and Literacy (a Title VI Language Resource Center) at the University of Arizona for their support of this project via their Faculty Research Fellow program and the College of Humanities at the University of Arizona for their support of the CERCLL fellowship program. I must also extend my sincerest gratitude to Natalie Amgott for her invaluable contributions as a graduate researcher, to Stefanie Wind for our methodological discussions, to Jessica Miller for our conversations about linguistics and pedagogy, and to the many dear colleagues who have supported me and this work in myriad ways. I would also like to thank the growing community of scholars whose work brings together language, linguistics, and/or education with trans studies; Thinking with and alongside you is a gift. Finally, thank you to the hundreds of study participants without whom this project would have been impossible; I hope this work honors the trust and generosity with which you have shared your time and knowledges with me.
Any shortcomings are mine alone.
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